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Google Ads
Specialists Available

Use Google Adwords To Your Advantage!

Google Adwords is one of the most effective ways to market your business online, if done correctly.

If not done correctly, you can easily burn through your budget without getting any sort of return on investment.

We’ve put together a system to help you maximize every marketing dollar spent through Google.

Because of our system, our clients are seeing an average of a $5 return for every dollar they spend in their Google Ads campaign.

Whether you already have an Adwords account or starting fresh, we would come in and create an infrastructure that will be a continual flow of leads/customers.

If you’re looking for an Adword Management company then look no further! 

Get a Free Google Adwords Audit Today!

How We Maximize Your Adwords Campaign

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Keyword Mapping

The best way to guarantee success is through comprehensive keyword research. This ensures that the right keywords are targeted and pursued, which will lead to an increase in profitability for you! Tailoring a campaign by targeting cities around Orange County or states can help your company succeed even more than before with less effort from staff members.

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Ad Creatives

We're a creative team that will create ad copy and messaging to communicate your brand's products and services in the most compelling way possible. Our goal? To drive high conversions by engaging with customers on an emotional level. capture the attention of potential customers. With our help, they'll be more likely to convert into paying clients for life!

Landing Pages

As you know, the best way to grow your business and increase revenue is through conversion. We can make a landing page that will be optimized for conversions once your target customer clicks on one of our PPC ads- trust us! We use proven conversion funnel strategies and tactics, which means we do nothing else but advertise for you and generate revenue from all the clicks!

Call Tracking

By retargeting people who have interacted with your ads but not converted, you can drive up the ROI of your campaign for a fraction of what it would cost to reach new customers. By targeting those that are already interested in buying from you and taking advantage of their increased engagement levels, we will help improve how well they interact with future content.

A/B Testing

We believe in providing you with a holistic advertising experience. We use data-driven split testing to find the winning ads your customers engage with most, and then scale up our efforts on scaling those advertisements that are converting clicks into quality purchases for your company. We don't do blind tests because they lead to increased costs without results!


We'll have your results tracked, and you can receive daily or weekly reports on what is happening with your Google Ads Campaign. Our reporting will enable you to see the progress of your campaign as it unfolds. You can feel confident in our team and know that we have complete transparency into all aspects of your account, including conversions! This also includes weekly/bi-weekly follow up meetings to discuss strategy.

What Google Advertising Can Do For You

By bidding on keywords, Google Ads enables you to more easily target your desired customers. It also helps ensure that the high-quality potential customer who is most likely to convert for a certain campaign will be shown and not just someone with too much time or money on their hand looking around at random things online.

Google AdWords is an advertising program by Google which uses what’s called “Sponsored Listings” in search results page from searches of related words/phrases people make based off ads they have been targeted as being interested in while browsing other websites using this same service provided through google adwords

E-Commerce Advertising

It’s time to be smart with your marketing efforts. We’ve got the tools, experience and expertise you crave! You don’t have to worry about making sales because we’ll do that for you while also giving a personalized approach that will connect better with potential customers. Give us an opportunity so we can show what our team is capable of doing- it won’t disappoint.

Lead Gen Advertising

We’ve been helping businesses grow online with Google and Microsoft Ads management for nearly a decade—and we can show you how! Whether your organization is big or small, we have solutions to help you achieve the level of success that makes sense for your business.


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The Facts Speak For Themselves

  • Google ads are a way for companies to make money, and they can do it with ease. For every dollar spent on them $2 is generated in revenue, so you know that this will be a fruitful investment!
  • The average click-through rate for an ad in the first position is 7.94%. This percentage means that on every 1,000 impressions of your advertisement only 78 people will actually see it and interact with it by clicking through to where you are trying to lead them.
  • Not only are ads in the top position more visible, they get 10 times as many clicks than side-positioned advertisements.
  • The Google Display Network serves 180 billion impressions each month and is one of the world’s largest ad networks. The global reach combined with high-quality, targeted ads make it a pillar for marketers looking to connect their brand message worldwide – at scale!
  • A study revealed that consumers exposed to display ads are 155% more likely than the average consumer to search for brand- and segment-specific terms.
  • Google’s dominance of mobile search advertising is unsurprising, taking 97% of the market with its vast library.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cost Per Click?

With the advent of internet, PPC has become a major advertising technique. This method is what we can say to be cost-effective as it only charges advertisers when their ad gets clicked on by users surfing through search results or website pages.

The concept of pay per click (PPC) originated from marketing businesses that gave companies an opportunity to advertise with them in return for every time someone clicks on one of their ads and visits the company’s site – which was then called “cost-per-click." Over time this terminology evolved into "pay per click", abbreviated both ways: either as PPC or CPC - but still meaning essentially same thing!

How Can I See My Stats?

Seyfmark manages Google Ads for our clients on a monthly basis. Each month, we provide an email report of your stats highlighting cost and top performers (ads, keywords etc). We also have the ability to log directly into each client’s account to view all data as often as they wish. And finally, when you need that information quickly without logging in or waiting for an emailed report - you can access it through our Client Dashboard at any time!

How Do I Know If My Ads Are Running? I Can't See Them.

With Google Ads, you can focus your ads to a specific geographic location or set up an entirely new campaign with very little effort! Here are three reasons why you might not be seeing your ad. 1) You’ve reached the limit on what we call “daily budget." 2) Your search history tells us that someone has already seen it and missed their chance at clicking on it- so now they have other advertisers targeting them instead of YOU 3). We've made sure to only show these great ads in places where people will see them - even if they live across country lines from one another.

Does Google Ads Work For My Industry?

It’s hard to find a company that has worked with every industry. That’s why we are so excited about the Google Certified Partner program! After rigorous training, they certified us as one of the best companies in America for managing your ads campaigns across any vertical or niche market you may be in. With our extensive knowledge and proven track record, there is no campaign too large or small that can throw us off kilter-we know what metrics matter most to create success for your business.

How Do I Get Started?

To get started, simply take a minute to fill out the contact form on our Contact Page. We'll be happy to answer any questions or concerns you have and assist with your needs in whatever way we can!


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